Posted September 1, 2023 at 5:53 pm

Tl;dr: Bybloemen is back on 9/29

Hey, all! Been a while since I checked in.

Post-surgical recovery is going well, but I'm not quite where I thought I'd be at the start of September. Part of my surgery involved freeing my sacral nerve from accumulated scar tissue (which is exactly as pleasant as it sounds). I'm working on getting to a place where I can sit for extended drawing sessions without wrecking my lower back. A few more weeks of PT should get me most of the way there.

So what does this mean for Bybloemen? A minor extension of the hiatus to 9/29.

Thanks again for your patience and your enthusiasm for this comic! Worry not, the beelzeboys will be back in time for October and the start of the spooky season!

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